Sunday, April 11, 2010

3..2..1.. Blast off....

So the time has come for our store to launch. So we are counting down 3..2..1.. blast off and our store location will be and the opening time of our store will be... Drum roll....

Wednesday April 13th at 4.00pm.

So head on over to our store on Wednesday and check it out to see if there is anything in store you like the looks of.

Just remember if you would like a custom order email us at anytime :)

Stocking up...

So the past week or two I have been slowly making my way threw my gigantic fabric stash trying to make up my mind what I would use as stock. It was suggested to me to start with a small amount of stock by several people and then make it bigger later if need be, my problem seems to be I can not stop sewing, I am loving every minuet of it right now and every time I make something I find myself coming up with another great idea for either a new product or a way to improve an old one, or a great colors scheme. My mind is flowing with ideas at the moment, so many that I have had to take my lovely Chicken Inc. Creative and start jotting down all my ideas.

Just to show you what I have been doing and why I have had to pull out the pen and paper here are a few shots of what is coming to you at my soon to be opened Little Snuggle Monkey Made It store :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Getting to know me.. Getting to know you..

So I thought while we wait we could play a little getting to know each other game..
How it works, I will tell you a little about me and what I do then you can leave your comments and tell me a little about you, what you do and link me to your blog so I can have a look for myself and even do some shout outs ;)

So I am a stay at home mother of one very cheeky little monkey, And wife to one very naughty little monkey. I am a sewer, scrapper and all round crafts person, I cook, I don't like to but I clean and I run my Little Snuggle Monkey on my own in my spear time.
Little Snuggle Monkey first came about when I started to make taggies, cot blankets, scrapped frames, note books and diaries along with many other things for friends, as gifts mainly and they would always tell me I should sell my products online, so here I am, giving it a go..
I can do customs, I do pre-made and I also will do semi-customs.
I love any kind of feedback good or bad as it will help me to grow :)

If there is anything else that would interest you to know about me or this little store, please feel free to contact me or make a special request :) Always happy to hear from everyone out there..

So now it's your turn.. What do you do? where are you from? what is your blog? what is your store? Tell me your story :)

Little Snuggle Monkey

Welcome :)

Welcome to Little Snuggle Monkey.
Please bear with while things get going and everything is still under construction. There will be quite a few changes going on over the next week or two while stocking is happening and so on but I will keep this blog updated so that everyone can be ready when the new Made It store is ready to go :)

All enquiries and emails will be answered shortly :)

Thanks for dropping by.

Little Snuggle Monkey